Cinderford Creative Walk Project

1 x Walk, 1 x Workshop, 1 x Celebration!

An inspiring walk in Cinderford with a follow up art workshop AND a celebration of the work.

Creative Walk on Monday 18th March
Meet at 10.45 at The Linear Park/Ruspidge Holt
Linear Park, Saint White’s Road, Ruspidge, Cinderford  GL14 3ER
Easy flat route
Wear walking boots/wellies

Follow up Art Workshop Wednesday 10th April
At the Wesley,  1.30 – 4.00pm
Refreshments available
Bring notebook from walk and any materials you wish to use

Celebration Saturday 13th April 
At The Wesley, 3.00 – 4.30pm

Cost free but donations welcomed to help towards the celebration/materials

Book Click to book and reserve your spot now

Timings to fully enjoy the experience!

Creative Walk Monday 18th March
Arrive 10.45am for 11.00pm start. Linear Park/Ruspidge Halt, near Valley Road (Linear Park, Saint White’s Road, Ruspidge, England, GL14 3ER)
2 hour walk with lots of stops to respond to Nature
1.00pm leave Linear Park to go to The Wesley, Belle Vue Road

Follow up Art Workshop Wednesday 10th April
An inspiring and guided art workshop to develop your ideas started on the walk
At the Wesley,  1.30 – 4.00pm
Refreshments available
Bring notebook from walk and any materials you wish to use

Showcase Celebration Saturday 13th April 
3 – 4.30pm at The Wesley
A showcase exhibition of participants work

Need to know
Participants need to sign up for the whole experience  and be able to attend the celebration of their work on Saturday 13th April between 3 – 4.30pm at The Wesley.

Lift offer. Anyone unable to get to Linear Park can meet Sara at The Wesley, Belle Vue Road, Cinderford at 10.35am for a lift to the start of the walk. (Please contact Sara through the Canopy website to arrange)

Please wear suitable walking boot/shoes, waterproof/warm jacket, weather appropriate.

Try to be as ‘hands free’ as possible.

Notebooks will be provided and art materials but if participants wish to bring any of their own then these can be left in cars in the carpark until the afternoon.

After the recent success of the West Dean Creative Walk Project, we were able to offer a similar experience in Cinderford, comprising of an inspiring walk in nature with a follow up art workshop AND a celebration of the work. Here’s how they got on, as described by project leader and Canopy volunteer Sara Rickard….

  • Creative Walk in Nature. 18th March 2024,
    Linear Park/Ruspidge Halt

It is always a delight when, after so much rain, the weather was dry. Twelve
participants joined me in the carpark at Linear Park, Cinderford for this re-scheduled

We started from the former Ruspidge Railway station to sit on the benches which
most people miss when driving into the area. The primroses along the banks were in
full bloom. I explained about the railway which used to link Bullo Pill, on the banks of
the River Severn with Drybrook: firstly for transporting coal/iron for 50 years until
1955 as a passenger service. Noticeboards along the route are very informative.
Members of the group were asked to think about train journeys they had had and to
write a few words reflecting on this memory.

Afterwards, as we moved to the first of the lower ponds where birds were singing
loudly, members of the group were asked to walk with someone they didn’t know.
After demonstrating ways to record reflections with inks and quills, the group were
soon laughing and sharing their experiments.

With my usual bag full of creative ideas, materials to use and share, everyone was
encouraged to respond at certain times by either writing notes, poems, the start of a
story, to take photographs, or to ‘have a go’ or simply ‘be in the moment’.

Two hours passed remarkably quickly and we were soon back at the carpark when
my car boot was transformed into a café with tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits.

Everyone was given my evaluation form and asked to contribute to a larger
collaborative one. With a reminder about the workshop at The Wesley on Wednesday 10 th April 1.30 –4.00pm and the celebration on Saturday 13 th April from 3.00 – 4.30pm we all said our
good-byes and I for one look forward to meeting up again.

  • 10th April, Arts Workshop led by Sara Rickard and Roger Drury
    The Wesley, Cinderford

It was a busy afternoon aiming to develop ideas and starting points inspired by being outdoors in Nature.  Sara demonstrated the art materials available, a wide mixture of paints, crayons, inks, glues, papers etc.  The aim was to experiment with the media and have a ‘bit of fun’.  Starting points included collage using layers of text, maps, tissue paper to create a ground, use of wax resist through rubbing and washing with inks and how to make a simple monoprint.

With reference to their sketchbooks, photos taken in the forest and how other artists work, the group were then encouraged to try mixing media, or include their writing/text or adding water to blur edges, or how to mix colours etc.  Gustav Klimt and Kurt Jackson paintings were discussed.

Partway through the afternoon everyone shared their work with a ‘gallery on the floor’.  Sara explained the importance of sharing work with others in the group to reflect on ideas and to value one another’s progress.

As the 2 hours whizzed by everyone left with work to complete and materials to help them!

  • 13th April, Celebration & Display
    The Wesley, Cinderford

Members of the Cinderford Creative Walk Project showed their work to over 35 family and friends.  Some participants brought 2, 3, or 4 pieces of work to share which they had developed over the past few days!

With music by the talented ‘Go-Lightlys’ and accordion player John Slater, everyone enjoyed a social afternoon of chats, tea and cake.  One friend wanted to know who all the artists were so all those contributing wore a sticky label to identify themselves!

I gave a short presentation to thank everyone for coming to share the achievements of the walkers and to acknowledge that many in the group may never have had their work displayed like this previously.  It can be quite daunting to see work framed and displayed but also quite fulfilling, and everyone should be proud of their creativity.  Roger Drury read some of his poems inspired by walks in the local forest.  Sara invited Fiona Benson to read out the poetry on her illustrations and she really stole the show with her uplifting and amusing anecdotes behind her work.  Certainly, her research into different butterflies inspired by the butterfly reserve on the walk was particularly interesting.  Sara concluded the talk by announcing the Coleford artsFEST on Saturday 1st June and reminding everyone to sign up to the Canopy newsletter to ensure people were kept informed of events.

The hour and a half passed incredibly quickly with many people making new friends and with one participants describing the afternoon as like ‘Speed Dating for Artists’!!

Fiona Benson shared her experience with us below

“I was very taken with the butterfly conservation area and I looked up the project that established it, made notes on the specific plants that were planted and on the 4 butterflies mentioned as being particularly attracted to those plants …

Then I looked up those butterflies and flowers on google and screenshotted images of them to be used during the arts workshop

Then I wondered if Rumi (one of my favourites) had written anything about butterflies. Indeed yes … But I also was moved to write my own version of his Poem of the Butterflies.

And then I looked up loads of stuff about the interrelationship between butterflies, flowers and ultraviolet light (I’m rather a nerd)

And then I put it all together in a painted triptych hahahaha! The painting is a bit literal for me (I prefer more abstract), but I kind of like the overall effect.

Participants testimonials at Cinderford Celebration – 13th April 2024

“A wonderful creative walk and follow up Arts workshop was great experience.  Would love to do another.”

“I had a fabulous time on this Creative Journey – would love to do it again.  Some amazing people.”

“It’s hard to put into words how inspirational the art walks and workshops are but suffice to say you end up producing something you never thought yourself capable of!”

“Lovely to meet the next generation of Canopy walk artists and enjoyed talking with them and seeing their inspiring work.”

“As a participant it was absolutely wonderful to go on one walk and be inspired.  To then have the opportunity to meet up again, make art and new friends was a bonus.”

“We probably don’t say we are artists we don’t call ourself an artist collective, Canopy gives us a voice.”

“A fantastic event bringing people together and sharing their creativity.  More creative walks please!”

“A wonderful mix of different types of art and the poetry is certainly deep – keep going!”

“Truly inspiring!  I can’t wait to join you on the next walk.”

“Thanks for an amazing walk, great workshop and lovely meeting up again.  A wonderful creative ‘package’.”